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Public Opinion Research

Providing YOU with highly accurate 'intelligence'...

  When public policy decisions MUST reflect
  your constituents' desires

SRI began conducting public opinion research nearly two decades ago.  We've perfected the process to the point where, today, we routinely predict the outcome of elections within 1% to 2% of actual voting behavior... a performance record that cannot be matched by competing research firms.

What sets SRI apart from other research firms and organizations is that we CONTINUE ON where they leave off.  Specifically, most applied research firms provide only basic descriptive statistical analysis (percentages & cross tabs), while SRI goes beyond descriptive statistics to advanced, inferential, statistical analysis including, but not limited to, correlation analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, and even causal modeling;  thus, yielding far more accurate predictions of voting and/or consumer behavior.

The Institute is comprised of a select team of behavioral scientists (both quantitative and qualitative researchers) and strategic planners.  SRI's researchers are proficient in the most up-to-date, advanced scientific methodologies and have advanced degrees from such academic institutions as UC Berkeley, The Annenberg School of Communication at USC, and New York University.

Contact us to learn more; call toll-free (800) 224-7608 or email us at